Thursday 9 January 2014

The Best 2DS Mod EVER!

This is the best damn mod for the 2DS if your playing Pokemon at night!

2DS Night Gaming Mod

Videos for 2DS owners

Here are a few videos on the Nintendo 2DS that may be helpful or just interesting:

The Black Screen of Death (BSOD)

The Touch Screen Glitch

Head Phone Socket Difficulties

SD Card Slot Bug

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Here be Monsters...

Pocket Monsters to be precise! =D

Eventually we will have some Pokemon related content up here once we have finished playing catchup, but for the time being, we have the Pokemon friend code exchange page.
The friend code exchange page is for anyone looking to collect a few more friend safaris whilst they collect Pokemon "Yo Dawg...", and we are happy to promote any current friend code exchange communities out there, we think they are great!

So if you would like to be promoted on the friend code exchange page, contact us on Facebook/Google+, and if you want to add Boonana J as a Pokemon friend, be sure to leave your friend code on the friend code exchange page! =D